Thursday, May 03, 2007

festival mutterings 3

im not so sure about this blogging thing. Is anyone out there really interested in what i have to say. If i go on the evidence of my daily life then probably not!
But in for a penny in for a pound...which is surely a phrase just waiting to be used on those gambling billboards.
The arts council has decided to trust us with spending their money for another year. This unbelievably fantastic news means amongst other things we can put huge photographs of Casey Orrs incredible journey to the states on the wall of the canal at Armley mills. It also means my stress levels have just gone through the roof and sleep is a thing of the past, don't get me wrong i dont seem to be getting any work done but i've definately got more grey hair than i did last week.
Our radio projects have started and people have signed up which is an unbelieveable relief and makes it worth the time spent flyering the estate and tower blocks of new wortley. I am now slightly more sympathetic to pizza flyer deliverers as i know what damage a cheap letter box can do to a girls hands...


Emma Bearman said...

Jane, according to our staticians we have marked increases in readership every time you post your mutterings.
Is there any thing more the folk of Armley can do to support you in your quest? let us know. Appeal to our good natures, c'mon you ugly lot

Anonymous said...

I read this blog on every new post! Glad to hear the money has come through for the festival... Will the radio have a further broadcast range this year?


I Love West Leeds said...

hi mejo,
the broadcast reange is limited by the size of transmitter we use. We have the biggest we are allowed to have, but as west leeds is a bit hilly in places the signal goes in and out. We will be streaming live over t'internet too if you cant pick up the signal on your radio.

Thanks for writing, it brought a little warm glow to my heart this morning!