Saturday, April 28, 2007

Blurry Pictures and Soiree round up!

If wishes were horses.........................

Okay the quality of these images do not do the night justice, what can we say, was the photographer under the influence of a heady concoction of 70's food, mateus rose, lovely friendly folk, and talk of boob enhancing bras?

Anyway The XLadyM was a little partial to the snowballs etc and can vaguely recount her night, but has been told that about 80 or so people drifted along and enjoyed meeting each other, thinking about the potential use of the Sunshine Space for events, art and the like. There is a huge potential with the space, and we thank you for your contributions and thoughts about what it could be!

Next challenge is to work out a way to make the place pay for itself, keep it flexible, and open to all sorts of creative endeavour. So your views and feedback are vitally important. If you click the following link you can add your t'pence worth on the flickr comments....

We will be posting a series of questions here, but would love for anyone to take a seat on this blog if they want to say something about what they are doing, ideas they may have for collaborations, or events etc they want to publicise. Eventually we will create a webspace for everyone to contribute, it's early days yet.

Big thanks are due to Chris the host and owner, Phil who got it ready in time for the event, Sam for his catering, Dave and Anna who made it look great, turning up for a party and getting roped in! (Anna vacuumed! and little Christie charmed the pants off everyone)Loubie for her social butterflying and super power stickering, James for helping cart stuff down, Frank for putting up with the madness, Maria for ice, pot pourri, bottle openers etc, Ange for the super cool red ice bucket and to everyone for coming and donating booze and food so generously.

Wow that was like being at the oscars! Stay tuned for more news, but please do let me know if you want to post on a regular or irregular basis.

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