Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Festival Mutterings 6

I think i may be a little stressed - I woke up from a dream this morning that the billboard poster by mikes carpets was pealing off and i only paid for a single print so couldn't do anything about it.

There is just over a month to go and my events are perilously stacked up like a giant card tower on a table with three legs. The brochure text has been signed off and goes to the printer tomorrow, now all that remains is to firm up a few details. When i say few...im in complete denial about the scale of what i have left to do but hey thats half the fun surely. Surely?
I could tell you about all the things that aren't done yet but its too big a burden to give to anyone else and i daren't say it out loud in an attempt to keep my sanity intact.
Of course it will all be fine it always is and inbetween the hysteria i'm remarkably zen.

If anyone would like to volunteer as a festival wife for the next month to cook my tea and make sure im leaving the house in cleanish clothes that would be lovely...


Rich Tee said...

I've got bad news for you.

I went past it today and it really has peeled off due to the rain.

I Love West Leeds said...

i know im gutted