Thursday, May 17, 2007

festival mutterings 5

i cant move in the office for knitting! In fact neither can anyone else and its becoming a bit of an issue. Garter stitch keeps appearing on photocopied documents and dawn keeps handing out balls of wool instead of petty cash. AND PEOPLE KEEP TOUCHING THINGS! sorry im just getting nervous that one of the knitted squares from little johnny/britney/mercedes/hummer is going to get lost.
I've only just recovered from the pot idol project and that was two years ago. We had hundreds of clay models made by the good people of west leeds that were going to be displayed in the park. All lovingly handcrafted, then chucked in the back of a transit van and driven at high speed to farnley, when the back doors opened it was carnage, arms and limbs everywhere! It took two people and a lot of superglue to put them all back together before their owners came looking, and even then we had to have a small sectioned off area of random limbs.
Now a little girl came to find her figure and searched and searched and couldn't find it. We had to dispatch a vehicle with siren (dawns nissan micra) back to base, where the figure was found and driven (nestled on the front seat in bubble wrap) straight to the stage for a tearful reunion with its owner.
So hopefully you can see why i'm nervous for the safety of my knitting..


Emma Bearman said...

Yes I remember those dear little gormless pots of phallic shaped clay with eyes and not much else!
I sat as an invigilator all day long guarding said treasures ~(from some of the less pleasant Farnley park meatheads)and seeing the pleasure of young and old as they identified their lump!
Ahh takes me back

Anonymous said...

Dam Jane.... Your soundin pretty high on the stress-o-meter! Cant wait for the festivities to come round though.. hope your well,


I Love West Leeds said...

Ah your secret identity revealed! i am well my dear, i've worked out a way to turn stress into fuel and am currently powering a small village outside halifax..

Anonymous said...

Wondered why there were blackouts the other night.. you must of hit overload! ;)

Not really a secret identity - just a name that I work under!

Stay tuned!