Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Festival Mutterings 6

I think i may be a little stressed - I woke up from a dream this morning that the billboard poster by mikes carpets was pealing off and i only paid for a single print so couldn't do anything about it.

There is just over a month to go and my events are perilously stacked up like a giant card tower on a table with three legs. The brochure text has been signed off and goes to the printer tomorrow, now all that remains is to firm up a few details. When i say few...im in complete denial about the scale of what i have left to do but hey thats half the fun surely. Surely?
I could tell you about all the things that aren't done yet but its too big a burden to give to anyone else and i daren't say it out loud in an attempt to keep my sanity intact.
Of course it will all be fine it always is and inbetween the hysteria i'm remarkably zen.

If anyone would like to volunteer as a festival wife for the next month to cook my tea and make sure im leaving the house in cleanish clothes that would be lovely...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

festival mutterings 5

i cant move in the office for knitting! In fact neither can anyone else and its becoming a bit of an issue. Garter stitch keeps appearing on photocopied documents and dawn keeps handing out balls of wool instead of petty cash. AND PEOPLE KEEP TOUCHING THINGS! sorry im just getting nervous that one of the knitted squares from little johnny/britney/mercedes/hummer is going to get lost.
I've only just recovered from the pot idol project and that was two years ago. We had hundreds of clay models made by the good people of west leeds that were going to be displayed in the park. All lovingly handcrafted, then chucked in the back of a transit van and driven at high speed to farnley, when the back doors opened it was carnage, arms and limbs everywhere! It took two people and a lot of superglue to put them all back together before their owners came looking, and even then we had to have a small sectioned off area of random limbs.
Now a little girl came to find her figure and searched and searched and couldn't find it. We had to dispatch a vehicle with siren (dawns nissan micra) back to base, where the figure was found and driven (nestled on the front seat in bubble wrap) straight to the stage for a tearful reunion with its owner.
So hopefully you can see why i'm nervous for the safety of my knitting..

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Put on Your Plus Fours for a suburban night of pleasure

Yes Indeedi folks

Next Thursday 24th May, 8pm on heralds a spring in the step towards a social event to remember...

We thought you might like to join other Armley Dwellers in a rather exciting location overlooking wonderful hills and valleys. Upon reaching old Benjamin Gott's summer residence drink in the municipal splendour of the old house, before reaching the bar where the gals are pretty and the men are fly!

So with nice reasonably priced refreshment and a pool table that costs 20p a go, what's not to like!

There is no agenda, we've hired it, come alone, with friends or don't come - the choice is yours...

Click on the link to the right hand side of the page for more specific details and to let us know your thoughts and intentions!

Toodle pip

So what Ale would be acceptable?>

Knit one perl one (purl?)

Dear Festival Knitters..

We are having a get-together/stitch up this coming Saturday (19 May) at
Armley Mills Museum, Canal Rd, Armley, Leeds.
The afternoon will be very informal and I promise cake and cups of tea.
We will have lots of wool and patterns for bugs, flowers, veg etc and
I'll bring along the shed knitting to give you a glimpse of how well we
are doing!

Its free, so please drop in and bring friends/family and kids too and
pass this message on to anyone you think may be interested. 1.30 - 4pm at Armley Mills

With best wishes

ps. beginners very welcome

Jane Earnshaw
I Love West Leeds - Festival Director
M: 0789 631 8657 T: 0113 263 8556

Interplay Theatre Trust
Company reg no: 1001229
Registered in England and Wales
Reg: Office Address: Armley Ridge Road, Leeds, LS12 3LE

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Fancy a day or night at the Museum?

The Armley Mills Industrial Museum invites you to spend a little time in their lovely dinky cinema! a 1930's 'Palace Picture House' Bet you didn't know they had one? Well it's sooo cute!

Come along, friends and family welcome this weekend
Friday 18th May - Sunday 20th May
Armley Mills

Viewing times
Fri & Sat 11.00, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30pm
Sun 1.00, 3.15pm

Seating limited, please call Judith Ferris to book your places.
Tel: 0113 263 7861 email: judith.ferris@leeds.gov.uk


Armley Mills, Canal Road, Armley, Leeds LS12 2QF.
Tel: (0113) 263 7861
Fax: (0113) 263 7861
email: armley.mills@leeds.gov.uk
2 miles west of Leeds City Centre off the A65.

Apologies for the frequency of posts

Thursday, May 10, 2007

festival mutterings 4

Its all gone a bit bonkers around here as i am trying to tie down events to go into the festival brochure. This basically involves getting people and organisations to say yes to things happening. And while i'm trying to do this a young man is trying to kick the door in to the building and the phone is ringing none stop...

I'm also trying to sort out brochure distribution, which is a nightmare to do well and no matter how many thousand of the things you print i guarantee you will get people folding their arms and saying "well how come i didn't know about it". This is one of the few things you can be absolutely sure of. Luckily im developing a thicker skin about the whole thing and now i even take pleasure in complaints. Though i have to say the funniest complaint i ever heard was when i worked in the music department at the council and somebody wrote in complaining that the audience were clapping too soon.

ps. I've got a billboard this year...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Now this is what I call creative!

For more wonderful pictures head over to Flickr to see not just the Lady Mayoress's stream of happy pictures but also the work of photographers who know a thing or two about how to take pictures!

My Set can be found by going to flickr.com one of the best ways I have found to share photos, and the people who are in the Leeds Group meet regularly too! Some even come to the Tea Dances and one member won the Charming Armley Calendar Competition. Anyone can join, just point, shoot, and upload!
Go to Flickr. com search for the Leeds Group and look for the work of the Lady Mayoress of Armley and Briggate. I would paste a link and make it easy but my paste function does not work right now!
AHA here we go click this .......... and this .................. and this .................

Angie and Donna are truly geniuses, their events attract people from all over town and beyond, for a host of reasons, to dance, to dress up in their vintage finery, to sip Pimms and gorge on the lightest Victoria sponges, or just to bring the wee ones to have fun in the sun!

We salute you!
Next event is during the I Love West Leeds Festival in July,and after that they are off to Shambala Festival to spread a bit more jam, cream, and fun across proceedings. More on their websites which are

Thursday, May 03, 2007

festival mutterings 3

im not so sure about this blogging thing. Is anyone out there really interested in what i have to say. If i go on the evidence of my daily life then probably not!
But in for a penny in for a pound...which is surely a phrase just waiting to be used on those gambling billboards.
The arts council has decided to trust us with spending their money for another year. This unbelievably fantastic news means amongst other things we can put huge photographs of Casey Orrs incredible journey to the states on the wall of the canal at Armley mills. It also means my stress levels have just gone through the roof and sleep is a thing of the past, don't get me wrong i dont seem to be getting any work done but i've definately got more grey hair than i did last week.
Our radio projects have started and people have signed up which is an unbelieveable relief and makes it worth the time spent flyering the estate and tower blocks of new wortley. I am now slightly more sympathetic to pizza flyer deliverers as i know what damage a cheap letter box can do to a girls hands...