Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Knit one perl one (purl?)

Dear Festival Knitters..

We are having a get-together/stitch up this coming Saturday (19 May) at
Armley Mills Museum, Canal Rd, Armley, Leeds.
The afternoon will be very informal and I promise cake and cups of tea.
We will have lots of wool and patterns for bugs, flowers, veg etc and
I'll bring along the shed knitting to give you a glimpse of how well we
are doing!

Its free, so please drop in and bring friends/family and kids too and
pass this message on to anyone you think may be interested. 1.30 - 4pm at Armley Mills

With best wishes

ps. beginners very welcome

Jane Earnshaw
I Love West Leeds - Festival Director
M: 0789 631 8657 T: 0113 263 8556

Interplay Theatre Trust
Company reg no: 1001229
Registered in England and Wales
Reg: Office Address: Armley Ridge Road, Leeds, LS12 3LE

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